boardsbeginnerThrough The Teeth.
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drawn in 56 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Alex-Cooper (Oct 18, 2004)
It is I. With oddly colored skin. Think i'll go do that right now. Is 1:20pm too early to be drinking?
Alex-Cooper (Oct 18, 2004)
drawn in 56 min
kejoco (Oct 18, 2004)
i don't think too early for drinking exists
more like, too late to not be drinking already
spiritdweller (Oct 18, 2004)
it's ok, I had a little wine with my lunch, and well.. I decided to have one more glass while I worked on a pic.. hey.. why the hell not, no one's here, no responsibilities, already cleaned the house.. hey... wtf? I like this 'toon :)
kejoco (Oct 18, 2004)
WOOO.....drunk lori!
Jack_Fox (Oct 18, 2004)
Drinking first thing in the morning is good. I almost always have some Baileys mixed with my coffee...Then I star drinking vodka out of the bottle...Anyway, Nice pic. I dig the chops! Peace, Jack
Kloxboy (Oct 18, 2004)
That's tight, nice set of grinders you got there.
davincipoppalag (Oct 18, 2004)
That looks like a nuclear powered CEEgar.. Good job on this.
Alex-Cooper (Oct 20, 2004)
Heh. I'm glad you all support my drinking habits. And it's not a cigar, if that’s what you were thinking, its one of my [red] elitist cloves. You know, I go to coffee shops and smoke them and feel superior to other people, just like 90% of the other people who smoke cloves in America. No I don't. I beat up trendy "emo" kids and make them cry and get dumped by their girlfriends. Bub.
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