The ball is the same shape all over, but you have the shadow rounder on top than it is on the bottom is all. No biggie Mr. Dave-O. And I'd make the shadow a little narrower than it is.
But, is it not possible that the ball could be defective, and not perfectly round? I mean, what if the guy who works at the ball-making factory gets high before he goes to work and stuff?
Tanks evibuddy... I just realized how much space I used on this, so I can't go back anyway (unless I asked for more, which I don't think I will)..I'll just let it stay.
drawn in 17 min
drawn in 36 min
Can I bounce it?
drawn in 43 min
Its curious that a so simple drawing (i mean not ur effort, the composition [floor, ball, shadow]) can be so amazing at the same time
Ahh! That reminds me a golf ball when it goes to the crappy brown place :P, D'OH!