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drawn in 29 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
comment whore
staci (Oct 1, 2004)
Death, that hath suck'd the honey of thy breath,
Hath had no power yet upon thy beauty:
Thou art not conquer'd; beauty's ensign yet
Is crimson in thy lips and in thy cheeks,
And death's pale flag is not advanced there
staci (Oct 1, 2004)
drawn in 29 min
staci (Oct 1, 2004)
drawn in 29 sec
DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Oct 1, 2004)
"Give me my Romeo; and when I shall die
Take him and cut him out in little stars,
And he will make the face of heaven so fine
That all the world will be in love with night,
And pay no worship to the garish sun.
O, I have bought the mansion of a love
But not possess'd it, and though I am sold,
Not yet enjoy'd."

In the first version he is there, and in the second, he is missing.
davincipoppalag (edited Oct 2, 2004)
"Go,tell the prince,--run to the Capulets,
Raise up the Montagues.. We see the ground whereon these woes do lie:
But the true ground of all these piteous woes,
We cannot without circumstance descry." Lovely picture miss staci
Aubrey (Oct 2, 2004)
Very nice. Romeo and Juliet was great and the versions would be perfect front and back covers for Shakespeare's play girly :)
terracotta (Jan 18, 2006)
...shall I believe that insubstantial death is amorous and that the lean, abhorred monster keeps thee here in dark to be his paramour? For fear of that, I still will stay with thee; never from this palace of dim night depart again. Here, here will I remain...with worms that are thy chambermaids. Eyes, look your last. Arms, take your last embrace. And lips, oh you the doors of breath, seal with a righteous kiss a dateless bargain with engrossing death. Here's to my love. Thus, with a kiss, I die.
(I memorized the entire play 37 years ago. Have forgotten big chunks of it. Touring your userboard and came upon this. Fits my mood today.) A glooming peace this morning with it brings. The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head, for never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo.
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