Eggie (Mar 1, 2003)
The character from the best game series EVAR!!!Excliding MI3 and 4 because MI3 had a crap ending and MI4 wasn't even recodnisable as an MI game. This picture ares roobish.
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The Curse of Monkey Island was made after he left Lucasarts and suffered from it and it had a crap ending.
Escape from monkey island is an okay game but the atmosphere is gorn.
I';m sorry if yoyu already knew that and you were saying "huh?" to the pictyure.
My favorite quotes:
1. "Look behind you! A three-headed monkey!"
2. "Hmm, a rubber chicken with a pully in the middle. What possible use could that have."
3. Guybrush: "i got this scar durring a mighty strugle."
Pirate: "I hope you'v lerned to stop picking you'r nose."
4. "Somehow I knew in hell there would be mushrooms."
Ah yes, great great great game.