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drawn in 1 hour 38 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
DMV (Sep 20, 2004)
It's a new cartoon...Just like YU-GI-OH or however you spell it. Anyway just like that,
only with muppet characters.....I think?
DMV (Sep 20, 2004)
drawn in 1 hour 38 min
Childlike_Vampire (Sep 20, 2004)
Oh nos. *shakes head* You have the most original ideas, haha! Awesome drawing, the flames are very flame-ly, and Kermie looks great. :D
Aubrey (Sep 20, 2004)
Poor Kermit, he's in Hell without Miss Piggy. How horrible :'( Nice drawing though D. Not sure about the cartoon thing you mentioned.
friend (Sep 20, 2004)
lololololololololololololol rotfl lmao omg aawesome drawing u rock so hard! lol, no miss piggy....hmmm
Nightmare (Sep 20, 2004)
The show would probly go like: ''I KERMIT THE FROGIS AL SUMMONETH BEELZEBUB!!! Yea...something lik that...and if you don't know what Beelzebub means, go to
DMV (Sep 20, 2004)
Thanks all :) Oh Man! I should have put Miss Piggy on fire. LOL!
Yes, I know what Beelzebub means.
Cianteed (Sep 20, 2004)
I love your parodies, dmv, always so refreshing.
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