I like this too Linda.. DBA will have sumpin to say fer shure! lol (I was intramural archery champ 3 years in college,,but not with compound bows,, just an old recurve)
Thanx Poppa. As for all that archery jargon, I have no idea what you just said. lol I drew this from a Dick's sporting goods ad from the sunday paper! ' }
Why, what in the world is this person doing? Why, I never! :) (Tell them that stuff on their face is liable to catch on their string and screw up the arrow flight...) I'm gonna enjoy watching you finish this one skippy. :)
Linda doesn't come here any more Cindy.I think she was put off by the language and junk that was going on , and I wish she would come back. I never see her on isketch either..
drawn in 1 hour 12 min
drawn in 2 hours 8 min
drawn in 1 min