Yep, she's the one that tortures babies by sticking them in all sorts of weird things like giant flowers and stuff and then takes their pictures and puts them on calendars.... lol.... Seriously, you did a good job on this and I especially like the way you surrounded it... made it look "set back". Cool. edit: If you are going to work on it some more, the only suggestion I have for improvement is maybe to define around the edges of the sink so it's not quite so blurry... don't see anything else I'd change.
This is so adorable. You did a wonderful job on their tiny hands and faces, the towels, the towel rack and the inside frame even at this point. I like how the floor came out too. Can't wait for the finish. :)
Yep yep looks like a shadow box effect. All the main things (the sink, towels) look like they're popping away from the background like they're truly set apart from everything else. Nice job skippy.
drawn in 2 hours 9 min
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drawn in 1 hour 10 min
drawn in 1 hour 39 min
Like the little hands and feet
drawn in 31 min