boardsspritesadd ask; add flask; alas; las adds flask
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drawn in 18 min with PaintBBS
Minitsaru (Feb 17, 2003)
jjj fff jjj fff jf jf jjj fff jjj fff fj
lll ddd lll ddd ld ld lll ddd lll ddd ld

(dont you understand teach i know how to type!)
(ok ok..... i know im ranting and making no sense....)
(here's the reason: i've been typing things like hat for the last 1 and a half hours!)
(the real name i want to give this is "touch typing deamon!")
Minitsaru (Feb 17, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
Kazukie (edited Feb 22, 2003)
I know how you feel.. I hated typing class! I had it for three years too! Don't they understand that I know how to type? Jeese!
Minitsaru (edited Feb 23, 2003)
thats exactly how i feel! why they keep pushing this learn typing thing into our faces?
Samwise (edited Feb 26, 2003)
I hate it how they make you type "correctly." I don't think they should. Just like drawing, I think you should be able to type however you choose. I mean, if you can type fast and type correctly.. why learn the way they teach you? Anyway, Really cool picture =3
Knockoff (edited Feb 26, 2003)
What is that thing?
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