boardsbeginnerPerfect Posse

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drawn in 42 min with PaintBBS
ChinkyFlip (Feb 11, 2003)
Haha! I dunno'.. :P I had trouble with the colors of their eyes (couldn't think of one)--so I just colored stuff in randomly. =P Pretty sweet, huh? ^_^
ChinkyFlip (Feb 11, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
ChinkyFlip (Feb 11, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
furyofroy (edited Feb 11, 2003)
looks good and creepy so far.
Fin_beast (edited Feb 11, 2003)
I really really like the way u do ure eyes. This style is great. the one on the right is wicked
Minitsaru (edited Feb 12, 2003)
Niice... but goths scair my O.o any ways niice.... like the eyes
Knockoff (edited Feb 12, 2003)
Yea this is cool. The people look scary.=)
Eggie (edited Feb 12, 2003)
Now that's really cool. But I think it might actually have looked better when it wasn't coloured in...more comicy.
ChinkyFlip (Feb 12, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
ky (edited Feb 12, 2003)
I like the rightmost fellow. Nice job.
Knockoff (edited Feb 13, 2003)
You Finished it.*Jumps up and down* This is cool. Chinky, I love your art. ;)
Minitsaru (edited Feb 13, 2003)
NIICE......... i would say i like which i do but goths are.... ehem..... there was one in my art class and on civies day he came in with mesh arms and a wanna be "Edward Scisor Hands" claw with torn clothes and a painted face.... some how these ones look rather friendly compared to him....... @.@
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