boardsintermediatewoo hoo!
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drawn in 35 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
coffeejelly (Feb 5, 2003)
lascaux sketch is so cool!
**will practise more so that i can try out all the features**
this is for marcello ---> thanks for everything ^^
coffeejelly (Feb 5, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
coffeejelly (Feb 5, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
coffeejelly (Feb 5, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
coffeejelly (edited Feb 5, 2003)
arghh... sorri, the longer i look at it, the uglier it seems :(
marcello (edited Feb 5, 2003)
Don't beat yourself up, it looks fine.
netmonkey (edited Feb 5, 2003)
That's a really good technque on the hair's texture. It looks real! :P
ChinkyFlip (edited Feb 7, 2003)
Wow. o.o
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