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drawn in 2 hours 9 min with PaintBBS
3 versions
31 min
34 min
2 versions
46 min
17 min
mukumuku (Jul 4, 2004)
who wants to join a colab of pokemon? well, the only rule is that you cant tamper with anyone elses yeah, otherwise, have fun!
mukumuku (Jul 4, 2004)
drawn in 20 min
mukumuku (Jul 4, 2004)
drawn in 1 min
mukumuku (Jul 4, 2004)
drawn in 9 min
sorry, the cubone i drew is kind of big...i was to lazy to make the line art clean to match the coloring, so i made the coloring sketchy to match the line art! =^-^= alright, who's next?
squee (Jul 5, 2004)
I'll join ^__^ i can draw Pikachu really good
mukumuku (edited Jul 6, 2004)
does no one else want to join T-T how sad.....well, if you comment, no matter, you can post on this so......but if you dont want to i guess you dont have to *sniffle* *chibi kawaii*
Wharg (Jul 7, 2004)
*raises hand* i will.

if you would, id bust out with a gyrados
mukumuku (Jul 7, 2004)
alright...and then there were three.. XDD anybody else...puhleeze
Wharg (Jul 8, 2004)
umm, i think you have to include me into whatever...dont remember how.
mukumuku (Jul 8, 2004)
i added you to the users, so it should be in your studio
Wharg (Jul 8, 2004)
drawn in 34 min
sorry i didnt spend much time on it, or cleaned it up....but, seeing as you can tell who it is (o_O) im pleased.
mukumuku (Jul 8, 2004)
nice! if you want, it wouldnt hurt to go back and fix it up a bit (clean up and define the line art and maybe make the colors a bit more constant), but then again, i shouldnt be nickpicking seeing as how i'm not exactly a master myself,
Wharg (Jul 9, 2004)
if i have time, i might...but, your open to do that.

(and wheres squee? i wanna see that pikachu)
mukumuku (Jul 9, 2004)
i wanna see that pikachu too.....squee!!!! where are youuuu! *goes in search of squee* i may do a little on your gyrados if you dont mind. and feel free to touch up anything on my cubone ^^;;;
chishio (Jul 9, 2004)
drawn in 46 min
Eep, he's gonna be eaten by Gyarados. O.o
chishio (Jul 9, 2004)
drawn in 51 sec
mukumuku (Jul 9, 2004)
kawaii!!!! oo chishio that ish soo good! *glomps teh piccy* i love it! you are so good *bows down to chishio and then runs away huggleing teh cuteness that she drew* XDD
101_Torchic_101 (Jul 9, 2004)
Can I Draw Pikachu??
mukumuku (Jul 9, 2004)
sure thing..there ya go X3
squee (Jul 9, 2004)
save me room.. i might not be able to finish until the next weekend X3 but hey..
squee (edited Jul 9, 2004)
drawn in 17 min
I just saw a lot of flaws.. but unfortunatly, my mouse sux so i'll wait to fix them when i get to my grandma's house

edit: Buahah! Sorry it took so long X3 compy probs.. *beats with stick* there's the pikachu I promised ^__^ *leans on stick and snaps it falling on her face* -__-;;
mukumuku (Jul 10, 2004)
yayee! finally people are colabbing! everyones looks nice!
Animegirl250 (Jul 10, 2004)
I'll join. I can draw any pokemon you need
mukumuku (Jul 10, 2004)
choose what ever your favorite pokemon is, and do your best ok? i bet yours will be fantastic!
DieChan (Jul 20, 2004)
I wanna join! But there's no more room....
mukumuku (Jul 20, 2004)
sure theres room! and i added you too, so now you can add in whatever space you can find!
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