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drawn in 2 hours 55 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Fin_beast (Jun 30, 2004)
Look at the tiny bear!

Thanks to andaria.
Fin_beast (Jun 30, 2004)
drawn in 26 min
Fin_beast (Jun 30, 2004)
drawn in 2 hours 29 min
Weeeeeeaaaaaaaaaooooooo! Chi! chi! chi! chi! chi! cha! BBrrrrrrrriiiiinggggg!!!11!1!1
davincipoppalag (Jun 30, 2004)
Hey good job on this Fin! The eye looks real and the fur was done well!
sal (Jun 30, 2004)
he looks pretty badass fin... cool pic... his nose is cute... lol =)
starmarked (Jun 30, 2004)
This is nice, the eye is real looking and the tail has a lot of detail in it. All of the squirrels around my house are gray and your's better :)
Childlike_Vampire (Jun 30, 2004)
Wow, I love this! It's so cute and realistic! Great drawing Fin, I want to pet him! :D :D The eye and the ears my favorite part, for certe. *nods*
Gigge (Jun 30, 2004)
We put food out for the birds on the kitchen window sill. But, it's the squirrels that wind up eating most of it. They've started checking out the other window sills and 'spying' on me through the windows. Now they're lookin' at me here too! I can't escape. Nice piccy, Fin. Good job with the fur. I like how he looks as if he's just landing.
emmamommalag (Jun 30, 2004)
This is very nice, Fin. Good job on the fur.
ollie_aplin (Jun 30, 2004)
Fin, this is insane. Its literally brilliant!! I especially love the fur!
Pantera (Jul 1, 2004)
I agree, great job Mr. Fin, I love it :)
laurael (Jul 1, 2004)
Wow, Fin...this is awesome. The texture and lines reminds me of Dino's and Zep's styles rolled into one, but 'you' did it so that makes three styles rolled into one...this 'is' brilliant...way to go!
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