This one feels a bit washed-out.... but not bad, really. Not quite "Haflinger color", either. I'd like to see a bit more definaition in the mane, and softening on the glare on the eye. Overall, this is pretty good, though.
(I really love the majestic pose on the unicorn you drew, too.. reminds me of this one palomino TWH at the barn I work at, he always poses pretty for me like that.)
drawn in 16 min
(I really love the majestic pose on the unicorn you drew, too.. reminds me of this one palomino TWH at the barn I work at, he always poses pretty for me like that.)
and to NEKYO.Yes i know it isnot hafllinger color(actually :P)but with Oekaki Shi-Painter it is hard to find the color you want. =)