lilypad (Jun 10, 2004)
Ok, I lied. I guess I somehow was able to get on my grandfather's laptop and logged onto 2Draw and all of a sudden my grandmother wanted to see me draw something so I drew this. The first time my dad's ever seen me draw something even though about 45% of the pictures I draw are at his house. ^^;Yeah......and now my grandmother is raving about how fast I type. Geez, she's wierd!
2draw.net © 2002-2025 2draw.net team/Cellosoft - copyright details - 0.08sec (sql: 15q/0.06sec) |
drawn in 32 min
I like this, very simple.
knockoff: yeah, well, I'm back!
davin: yeah, she did. in fact, I think a little to much.... she told me to save it to the laptop so she can print it out....
all: ty for the nice comments. I thought some people were gonna say that i already drew this, which I have, except this version is way better because when I first drew this, it was my first atempt at shading and everything...yeah. once again, ty.
((i snuck on while my gpa was out))