boardsbeginnerRayne Armada: Akurei No Ojo
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drawn in 1 hour 28 min with PaintBBS
Aldrea659 (Jan 26, 2003)
Yes, i know how bad this is, but A) this is my first drawign and B) i'm only in junior high so it's not like I'm an expert or anything. I am, however, extremely proud of the background, i think it's very cool looking. This is Rayne, bye the way, and she's the Akurei no Ojo, or the princess of the demons. I'm writing a story about her.

Second Edit: Heh, you can see a major difference between the two, or at least i can. The text Midnight.Rayne represents which alter ego was painted. Rayne has tons! She's an android and a computer genius, and she actually programmed computers that were self aware, and had emotions (This is set in the future, but she was still the first person to do this) And since she's an android, she can be linked to the computer at all times through a sort of mental link, so she ends up with a sort of spilt personality thing. Yes, I know i said she's the demon princess, and she is. Her brain is a human brain, (demon brain, actually) and her body is an android body. The mind that she has is the reincarnate of the original demon princess. Lol, it's really complicated, neh? It's a strange story, and it kind of combines high tech stuff and fantasy stuff. Lots of ancient egyptian mythology too ^_^
Aldrea659 (Jan 26, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
Kazukie (edited Jan 26, 2003)
It doesn't matter how old you are, you think it would be any easier for a 25 year old? =P Anyways, This is nice but the skin on the face doesn't really match the rest of the skin... It needs that smeary thing like you did to the body. =\ I like the hair though, you might want to try using the Mask tool and/or layers so it looks a little cleaner. ^__~
Aldrea659 (edited Jan 26, 2003)
See, thats just the problem. I dont know what the mask tool is! lol. And you have a point, a 25 year old wouldn't have it any easier, but they would be able to do it better. I do know about layers from my tiny amount of experience from photoshop, but i don't have a clue how to add them in this program. Then again, i didn't really try. ^_^ thanks for the advice!
Aldrea659 (Jan 26, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
Queech (edited Feb 23, 2003)
It's an awsome drawing. Mine all look flat, but you're looks 3-D and it's very well "meshed" together!!
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