boardsspritesLinkeh' (sort of.....)

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drawn in 1 hour 1 min with PaintBBS
Knockoff (Jun 9, 2004)
Sorta looks like link, no?
Well... Its my version of link ;)
Knockoff (Jun 9, 2004)
drawn in 38 min
Knockoff (Jun 9, 2004)
drawn in 22 min
Noremac (Jun 17, 2004)
tell you the truththis is kinda frighteneing
Knockoff (Jun 17, 2004)
*cries* Its my "chibi" version of him. You gots a probleme. We'll duke it out right now. *cries*
bumpinthenight (Jun 17, 2004)
err... tis ok.... not your best draw, ko.... you are capable of much, much more... XD
KiwiKitsune (Jun 17, 2004)
It's cute! :D Very adorable! ^^; ...mrr.. >_< It's YOUR version of him. Nothing wrong with it. :3
sal (Jun 18, 2004)
he looks freakishly happy... nice ko... (|)_(|)
Knockoff (Jun 24, 2004)
Lol, thanks guys.
I know it not my best. But its pretty good, I think it because its small, thats why you so call "think its not that good". Hah, ah well. Im just a crab cake. ><
davincipoppalag (Jun 24, 2004)
At least you didnt eat him KO
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