boardsbeginnerMusic Colours Me (literaly)
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drawn in 43 min with PaintBBS
Minitsaru (Jan 25, 2003)
this is a pic of me :P...

:) i was sooo happy just 2 or so weaks ago i got some SWEEEET blue lights in my room. than just last weak i set up a Kick Ass light that turns on when there is base... any base.. the more there is the stronger the light... its not that srong on the most... ehem "powerful" song it can light up half my body and make the colour of my skin, hair, eyes and clothes more destinguishable... noticed this last night while listening to SASH - EQUADOR on the radio. i looked in the mirror and was soooo amazed by how i looked when there was base :) hope you like...
Minitsaru (Jan 25, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
Minitsaru (edited Jan 26, 2003)
i just noticed i've been spelling bass as base.. which is rong so im saying now in this writing whenever it says base i ment bass. :) :P i feel dumb.. do u think im going to fail english.
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