At Last... a ruler who can measure up! This is funny! Great wood and ermine! BTW this ruler had a son that they fixed up with a blind date... they just dressed him up..and then he was centimeter......(Grooooaaaannn))
This is a real good one the thumb, I thought you just didn't finish the (needs new glasses...) are SO funny...good thing I didn't take a drink of my coke right before reading that!
heheheh, good ole brnies... nice, dino!!! miss u playing inklink yesterday :(( o well... nice picture ;) btw, inklink lover loves inklink but some don't love isketch... like i go to inklink more then i go to isketch :)
you play inklink?! you rock! I love that game-then it gets funny when you've been in there so long that you know all the words so people think you're cheating but you're not...yeah...
Yeah, I do play inklink! I have to credit inklink for pretty much everything I've ever done on the internet. The only new people I've really met were on there, and Icats was the one to send me here. Then I kept telling people about it, and got DBA here and I bet she brought some. And I mean, there is this whole family tree thing of how everyone got here, and I know a part, but it's too large to discuss here. Needless to say, Inklink was instrumental in that part.
drawn in 27 min
drawn in 3 min are SO funny...good thing I didn't take a drink of my coke right before reading that!