Pooface is the original artist who came up with these little critters.
And Mini, lol, don't worry. This is just a practice board, so I'm having some fun!
My old drawings will be back up.. sooner or later. I just don't have time to stress out over one pic. Lol. :P
They're SO COOL!!! I want one! ><;; It's not fair! Marcello you're smart can't you make them come alive? Hehehe ^^;; I like the little yellow one! Aww they're so cute!!!
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drawn in 0sec
i miss your old drawings... what ever happened to them?
And Mini, lol, don't worry. This is just a practice board, so I'm having some fun!
My old drawings will be back up.. sooner or later. I just don't have time to stress out over one pic. Lol. :P
drawn in 0sec