boardsbeginneranother try :)
100% - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 31 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
bekita (Jun 6, 2004)
just another try :)
bekita (Jun 6, 2004)
drawn in 31 min
Thear (Jun 6, 2004)
face looks nice! ^^ is she related to giraffe or something? =P
bekita (Jun 6, 2004)
well, to be honest I was inspired by some Loreal Color Pulse flyer :)
i love to see all those great draws, and i'm just trying to learn something, so any comments and tips are welcomed :)
bumpinthenight (Jun 6, 2004)
errrrrr.... sorry to say, but this looks like a piece of sugar loaded candy crap.... the proportions are all out, the hair is a mess, the neck is.... well, I wont even go there... sorry dude!!! mebbe you should use oekaki shi by shi chan..... tis an easier applet to use than lascaux...
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