forumsdrawing discussionMorbid - The Black Crusade -Comic strip
Noremac (edited May 25, 2004)
well basically what im wondering about is, would anyone care if i started a 2draw comic, what i mean by that is, would it annoy anyone.
also, i would like some help/advice on how to do this kinda thing, im pretty inexpierainced with comic drawin and my total failures in the past have decrepified my hopes of making another one, so support would be a nice thing.
And also (again) i wouldn't mind puttin in guest artists every so offen, to help me draw monsters, or if they wanted to put thier signiture character in for laughs or what not.
And ANOTHER thing (i am aware that you are bored with me asking things of you), im wondering if someone wouldnt mind you know, reminding me or kicking me in the face, or some other mode of motivation to keep me workin on this. i have the attention span of a gnat here people, so work with me

Questions/Comments/Death threats?

Woah almost forgot, this comic is going to be based off of a medieval fantasy RPG, just in case you were wondering
sal (May 25, 2004)
my eyes hurt...
15grifficorntears (May 25, 2004)
poor cam. i'll help, and mabe even kick you in the face once in a while.
Fin_beast (May 25, 2004)
lol. I almost died from laughing so hard at tear's comment.
I'd love to help a little Normac and I'd also really enjoy kickin' your head in to get you working. XD
Noremac (edited May 25, 2004)
awesome, i finished the basic lineart. aunvi is the guest artist this week( i cant draw well... you'll see)
Xodiak (May 26, 2004)
Will it have naughty erotic scenes too? <:)
Noremac (May 26, 2004)
possible if i see fit, although my character hadnt really come in contact with sex desiring beings
marcello (May 27, 2004)
sucks to be him
Noremac (May 28, 2004)
hes undead dude... just give it time i mean not easy to come across necropheliacs
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