I soooooo wish I was brave enough to help you. Your style is so unique though anything I'd try would turn out disasterous for sure. I love your style... this will be another good one when it's finished.
c´mon aubrey,..... how can you make a disaster??......your draws are amazing, please join me on this i´ll really really appreciate it....i know it´s kind a different from your work, but...
Wow, this is a great use of the texture tool, sal. I love the colors you used, and the background is nice.
When I first saw this, It reminded me of a bunch of rubber bands around his entire face. :)!
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drawn in 2 hours 16 min
drawn in 34 sec
drawn in 36 min
drawn in 1 hour 3 min
drawn in 1 min
When I first saw this, It reminded me of a bunch of rubber bands around his entire face. :)!