******* woooooooooowoooooooooowoooooooooooo***********************zoom*********
hooray for the happiness ray! (sorry the prayer ray is broken, else I would have pointed that at you too)
cool, when you do the scale detail do pebbled scales, not overlapping ones. if his scales overlaped and he got sand between them, it would hurt alot. just a suggestion.
Yes, I heard it about the pebbled scales, on the neck I'll try to do that but I've nevar done pebbles before :( It'll probably end up horrible and then i'll have to redo it. ANYWAY I got really bored w/ scales so i'm off to getannoyed.com (BEST SITE EVER!!) (oh yeah and everyone out there who likes comics needs to read crfh.net it's the bestbestbestbest!!!!)
drawn in 28 min
hooray for the happiness ray! (sorry the prayer ray is broken, else I would have pointed that at you too)
drawn in 20 min
drawn in 45 min
drawn in 27 min
drawn in 11 min
drawn in 29 min
drawn in 21 min
drawn in 11 min