I think the problem is the ratios on the face. Makes it look like a different person... I'd say: smaller forehead--less distance between hair and eyes, less distance between eyes and nose, and more distance between mouth and chin... so yea, as to what you can actually do, probably add more hair at the top, and move the whole mouth/nose bit up a little.
But, reference comparison aside, it looks pretty nifty. interesting mix of styles...
Yes, Marcello is right about the distances between features but it's a very nice picture anyway. I really love the hair. You did a beautiful job on that.
drawn in 1 hour 47 min
But, reference comparison aside, it looks pretty nifty. interesting mix of styles...
drawn in 24 min
YOu did a great job. *pets her hair*
So shiny too.
(ps, you rock)