boardsintermediatethe pout
100% - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 37 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
comment whore
staci (May 3, 2004)
you cant make me
staci (May 3, 2004)
drawn in 37 min
diver2026 (May 3, 2004)
thats adorable, i liek the hair - - but hte face could use some more shading
davincipoppalag (May 3, 2004)
Crikey 37 minutes... I couldnt do this in a week.. shes adorable..
Childlike_Vampire (May 3, 2004)
I like this very very, she really is very cute lol. nice depiction of the expression. :D
DeadlyBlondeArcher (May 3, 2004)
I see alot of these faces.... lol... my nieces are all little and they pout alot. (course my daughter still tries it but at 15 it's not so effective anymore. :) This is so adorable. I think you captured it perfectly.
laurael (May 4, 2004)
I like this just the way it is...not overly done...beautiful work icats...another gifted arteest. You can do anything...a n y t h i n g...
emmamommalag (May 4, 2004)
Awww what an adorable little girl. You did a perfect job on this, Icats.
staci (May 4, 2004)
thanks..this is based on my wittlest sister >.< shes cute as hell but dont let that fool you! : P
pulkidamnesiac (May 5, 2004)
*runs in, and slaps teethy pink bear over this* yehahahah. Anyways stop stealing the kids icecream cone.
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