boardsintermediateOhh YAY!

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drawn in 1 hour 44 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Kasha (Apr 25, 2004)
okay, this is FUUUUN. This week is anime weeek!
Kasha (Apr 25, 2004)
drawn in 14 min
I dunno if I want to make this a guy or a girl. @_@

A GOY! unF! mmmmmmmyes? HAHAHAHA. Roffle waffle.
davincipoppalag (Apr 25, 2004)
I knew it! It IS a virus!
Kasha (Apr 25, 2004)
drawn in 14 min
everyone hates my jello but they eat it anyway. What the hell .....
Kasha (Apr 25, 2004)
drawn in 12 min
omg....wahhh. my tablet is acting weirdo.
Noremac (Apr 25, 2004)
haha this is aweseome, i like the eyeballs
Kasha (Apr 25, 2004)
drawn in 11 min
Kasha (Apr 25, 2004)
drawn in 17 min
sahahahaftey save.
Kasha (Apr 25, 2004)
drawn in 33 min
took a long time trying to figure out how to work the fucking layers. I dunno how to use this program. e_e HOW THE..........!!
lp_phaery (Apr 25, 2004)
woah this is really good. i like it all
Xodiak (Apr 25, 2004)
This girl/guy is taking her/his clothes off, yes? Yes? Sexy............................... >:D~~
Kloxboy (Apr 26, 2004)
Are you for real Kasha? This is great. You've got so much style, everyday I appreciate your existence, I wish there were more of you.
esaure (Apr 26, 2004)
yay, anime week!! and such lovely anime indeed. It really has a gothika touch to it, i really la anime pictures that do. *noodles* I really like the eyes and mouth, very niiice.
marcello (Apr 26, 2004)
clox: dunno, less is more. :-) I think that would kinda ruin it. but it's the thought that counts, I suppose.
DonkeyKO (edited Apr 26, 2004)
DAMMIT! this is awesome! I can't draw anime chicks worth a crap! i'll have to work more. keep it up ^_^v
davincipoppalag (Apr 27, 2004)
Mizz Kasha can draw anything... Cute!
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