I see you're back to Lascaux.. This is nice.. I have good luck with clouds by using a really really big brush to start and with the white set a bit gray and very low opacity.. then I gradually reduce the brush and bring it more toward pure white with greater opacity until I get to full white and full opacity then I use a small blend brush with low opacity to feather out some of the edges.. and then I go in with dodge and burn to further highlight and shadow... they come out ok for me that way...
Thanks for the tip. I think that's what I tried to do here. Oekaki Shi was ok, but hard to work with, and only get 3 layers. (at least that's all I could get).
Oekaki is a Japanese piece of shit. (I guess it's japanese, dunno) Anyway, if you use a medium opacity on the air brush feature it works really well to do clouds, also. This is pretty... and it is kite-flying weather!
Thank you, thank you. I used to make kites as a hobby. Some of them looked like stained glass windows in the air. Thanks for tips both of you.
I'll try both methods.
I love kites! I want one, I want one! Pleeeaaase! lol (That's the other silly thing I do besides blow bubbles... fly kites) Seriously, bet those were beautiful. Would like to have seen one.
On the left side of the box where you change your brush size is a line of brush types... square, etc, it's the bottom one, I think... It's really fuzzy looking. On the bottom left corner of the screen when you put your mouse/stylus over the feature it should tell you when you are on it.
drawn in 52 min
I'll try both methods.