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drawn in 35 min with OekakiBBS
rydicanubis (Dec 11, 2002)
whadda you think the situation is?
rydicanubis (Dec 11, 2002)
drawn in 0sec
furyofroy (edited Dec 11, 2002)
eh hehehehehehehehehehe.....
SgtPancakes (edited Dec 12, 2002)
Hm. I think the lil' gator kid slipped the weasel a blood capsule in his food for hi-larious prankery! And now he's choking. I mean, look at the guilty look on that punk's face. He is nothin' but trouble.

The other one is just angry because his ex-wife is trying to mooch off his newfound modest success in the gunsmithing industry.

I'll show myself out.
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