watch animation - % - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 4 hours 51 min with PaintBBS
Maharet_Lunaris (Dec 4, 2002)
nightloving pixie. I know it isen't really great or something like that, but give me credit :) this is the first time I've used this program....
Could be beter but not too bad ey? ("Hmm fishing for compliments are we?") Oh well...
Maharet_Lunaris (Dec 4, 2002)
drawn in 0sec
OtaruIkari (edited Dec 4, 2002)
Neeekkeed ^_^

As I have been saying we need more nudes lol
kaT (edited Dec 4, 2002)
eh, i still perfer swords, guns, or preety much anything that blows up. [evel, meniacal laughter]
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