boardsbeginnerThe Pain
100% - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 24 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
JASEY_JASE (Mar 18, 2004)
A dream I had inspired me to make this. I wont get into too much detail but in the end of the dream I remember fighting someone in a mask and I ended up killing this mysterious person. I unmask the stranger and he looks like me.
This thing I made portrays my dream and the point I'm getting across that I'm fighting a battle within myself. Notice the darkness( that black blob) consuming me and creating anger.
JASEY_JASE (Mar 18, 2004)
drawn in 24 min
SaheraNights (Mar 18, 2004)
crossover to darknes..whats new? good job though
Soshell (Mar 18, 2004)
coooool i love you jasey ^^..less blur k? :-p
JASEY_JASE (Mar 19, 2004)
ya I was bored and it was close to midnight so...ya...craptastic :-)
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