yes geek are sexy, that is why cam is the ultimate sexy machine of the century *flexes tiny arm muscle* gaaaaah feel the burrn!
i like the note on geeks, definatly and the style if good too
Dammit Kasha i wish i had ur skillz... :P
Love the expression.....
As for geeks........
lol im with cello true geeks are ugly as hell! Look at me! im so damn geeky i ditched school for the launch of a MMRPG (Galaxies)....and i almost went to a comic-book/video game convention(Comicon) one can top that...Oh yea and when i had a job I spent my first check on a refurbished sega genisis + games.....
I know most ppl wont like the glass unless you're geeky like me. If you don't like them I would usually tell you to fuck off , but instead, I'm being NICE and GIRLY today, so I did Version 4 for you. :)
lol, you are TWO-NA? awww.. v_V *gets super geeky jealous* Can you get lots of naughty manga for me? and the Sandman series ^o^.
haha, Zappo, don't feel bad. Most geeks never realize they are sexy. Ohh and also, I can top you NOT going to a comic con. I actually went to 3 anime conventions! Ha! :P
Geeeeeeks * snorts* _[O]-[o]_ lol! Yeah what about us? So what if we have so many blank Cd's and nothing to compy them too... So what if we know how to defeat the most eveil of creatures in D& D, and who cares if we think iS is So FREAKEN awesome to hit eachother over the head with wooded swards! Yes I Am a Sexy geek! * snorts*
LONG LIVE THE NERDS!! AND GEEKS OF THE WORLD!! good back ground =3 my 9th level human vampire does 1d8+8 damage with his +2 longsword, and his AC is a whopping 29:)so eat that, or ill have to dance of ruin you for 2d20 damage- yeah explain that and ill give you 1 quarter
my 9th level human vampire does 1d8+8 damage with his +2 longsword, and his AC is a whopping 29:)so eat that, or ill have to dance of ruin you for 2d20 damage
goddamn, someone quoting p&p rpg... doesn't get much worse than that. It kinda scares me, actually.
But seriously, cool pic. I think he looks much better with glasses... (and I'm not biased or anything ;))
shit looks like me but without boobies ( and mebee a few lbs lighter) i like this one, its got line art..i like line gonna try to do something with lines..yay youve inspired me.
does everyone wear slightly square black glasses?!?!?! Aaaa! (i do.)
drawn in 37 min
Excellent job shading and the wrinkles of his shirt.
I lub shkinny geeks. n__n;
i like the note on geeks, definatly and the style if good too
drawn in 24 min
he is sexy. but at the way his arm is bent, you have to question his activities.
drawn in 35 min
drawn in 9 min
Love the expression.....
As for geeks........
lol im with cello true geeks are ugly as hell! Look at me! im so damn geeky i ditched school for the launch of a MMRPG (Galaxies)....and i almost went to a comic-book/video game convention(Comicon) one can top that...Oh yea and when i had a job I spent my first check on a refurbished sega genisis + games.....
drawn in 2 min
I know most ppl wont like the glass unless you're geeky like me. If you don't like them I would usually tell you to fuck off , but instead, I'm being NICE and GIRLY today, so I did Version 4 for you. :)
haha, Zappo, don't feel bad. Most geeks never realize they are sexy. Ohh and also, I can top you NOT going to a comic con. I actually went to 3 anime conventions! Ha! :P
lmfao! *runs around in circles for two-na then jumps off a cliff and drowns* SHAZBOT!
But seriously, cool pic. I think he looks much better with glasses... (and I'm not biased or anything ;))
does everyone wear slightly square black glasses?!?!?! Aaaa! (i do.)
T3h pic is AWESOME, as is everything else you draw ^_^