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PinkuEspeon (Mar 6, 2004)
Eh... this is my first attemp EVER trying to draw Yuna from FFX-2... I haven't tried to her in real life, yet... O.O;; heh... but, just tell me what you think of this... is it good or bad for my first time ever trying to draw Yuna? |:
2draw.net © 2002-2025 2draw.net team/Cellosoft - copyright details - 0.02sec (sql: 15q/0.01sec) |
drawn in 1 hour 22 min
To Rikku: Thanks! ^_^
To Sal: Yeah... I also noticed all that stuff... *sighs* but... it is my first attempt... and, I use a mouse for pete's sake!! ^_^;;
You've done good to bring out all the little detail her clothes have, but in the process you've forgot the check up on that anatomy once in a while.
The colour of the background makes me feel trippy in a very bad way, as with that name right there. Next time you draw humans, try to remember the aspects of shoulders, ribcage, head etc., especially compared to each other.
They're just a freaking red light. LED LIGHT.
but seriously, a mouse isn't an excuse.
Just a plain ball mouse, that need to be cleaned soonn.....