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drawn in 6 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
ky (Feb 2, 2004)
So I am. To a place with not a whole lot of internet. And what internet there is, is very slow. Very, very slow. So, I suspect you shall see minimal to no picture posting for... a very long time. Unless there's an internet café down there somewhere.... anyway, good bye!
ky (Feb 2, 2004)
drawn in 6 min
HJ (Feb 2, 2004)
No way.. That sucks! Well, I wish you the very best in your new home, though it can't be the very best without some Internet I suppose. I will miss your beautiful artwork and hope that you'll find a way to post again once you're settled. I'll miss ya.. *hug*
Minitsaru (Feb 2, 2004)
have fun at ur new home, n make lotsa friends, lol, i never got innanet for 3 years after i moved but than again back than i didn't really care bout this kinda stuff. and movin aint all that bad, lol moving 3 times made 2 of my msn prophiles max out =) tho the more i moved the more i wanted msn to keep in touch with mah old friends.... ack... now i'm babbling, n e wais, best of luck at ur new place =)
graywolf (Feb 3, 2004)
*grabs hold of feet* DON'T GO!!!! WE LOVE YOUUU!!! *sniffles*
dixielandcutie (edited Feb 3, 2004)
moving always seems like a bummer at first...but hey, ya never know...could be better than ya think
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