ok i have a suggestion. you spent 33 minutes on this..now..you could take maybe another 33 minutes and add some shading and depth by looking at real subject..studying folds in fabric..see how light reflects color and makes shadows and highlights. play with the tools..as you have seen almost anything is possible to reproduce with these applets. i personally think you could do better if you took a bit more time.
hey icats. thanks for the suggestion. i agree, it could be a lot better. my main problem is i dont know how...time isnt an issue, ill work on it as long as i need to. i will take your advice tho...thanks. (and i keep getting comments about shading...*clueless*...what is that?)
Bless your heart, Dixie! :) Wish you lived next door to me and we'd get a paint brush and get messy lol. Okay, first of all, the image you drew is adorable, and the idea very creative. As for shading, there will be more than one color in a shadow of something (such as the folds of the fabric) would go from dark blue in the deepest fold, graduating blue tones upward until the lightest blue is on the outermost part of the fabric. Do that and blend. Work on thinking about which direction your light source is coming from, and keep it consistent in your pic. Everything casts a shadow somewhere if there is light. That'll give you a couple of things to think about. Hope it helps. Dont give up!!!
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