YES I hate my life; but only cause I had time to think about it.(and I evesdropped in Europe they're trrying to get ready for war--I think they need to do it themselves this time I think "The Yanks ain't coming " this time.I think Trump really MEANS "AMERICA FIRST".WHY?CHINA is trying from all edges to take over the USA--WE HAVE SO MANY CHINESE SPIES IN THE USA leaking across the border buying up old farms everywhere and growing pot!--Yes its true---this same thing happened here before WW2, my mom told me.--The spies.(This isn't a good picture) But I'm pretty depressed--my feet and arms hands are bad off.---too much pain--buut some good artists here are d9isabled(anyone know a goodd senior chat online?the senior scene in my area & state is so BAD I'D chat with Alaska I don't care--I tried being social here---senior competing for everything is terrible --all senior centers aren't even friendly just expensive & crowed--YOU KNOW WHAT SENIORSS INN OREGON DO?GO BAACKB TO WORKING FULL TIME JOBS--THhey can't afford to retire EVER--You retire when you DIE. I was taking\ full ttime care orff an old lady. ---so my feet wore out--all our joints.Anyhow I'm getting tready for the end.Thank God--life so dissapointing. = ( 9/9 )= Only ART doesn't dissappoint.
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