boardsadvancedHanging Tough
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drawn in 4 hours 53 min with Chicken Paint
elly (Dec 5, 2024)
Special thanks to Luv2 for her great suggestions of names for this piece!
elly (Dec 5, 2024)
drawn in 3 hours
elly (Dec 6, 2024)
drawn in 1 hour 53 min
A digital drawing of a watercolor butterfly. What would you name this?
luv2 (Dec 11, 2024)
The colors selected I see "Wounded in Battle"? Scarred? Hanging Tough?
elly (Dec 11, 2024)
luv2 I love your ideas! I hadn't looked at this draw in those ways but now that I'm taking them in, I'm talkin' nails on heads! I would/will choose, "Hanging Tough" Thank you Luv2!!
buffaww (Feb 3, 2025)
Great art work, elly, and I love yer landscapes so much, too. =[ - ; - )=
elly (Feb 4, 2025)
Thank you buffaww! You're so sweet :)
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