marcello (Jun 16, 2016)
After several months of work, I\'ve finally moved to a new server. Everything should be working the same, but let me know if you see anything weird.
The new server is now encrypting everything with HTTPS. It might also be faster. Also note that if you were adding an Java security exception for the old server IP address (, that won\'t work anymore. You should be able to now add as an exception in Java applet preferences. |
Felistorm (Jun 25, 2016)
Sadly I've always had the added and it isn't recognizing it now I guess. It keeps saying it is blocked. :(
marcello (Jun 25, 2016)
Can you double check if it's https and not http?
Felistorm (Jun 26, 2016)
That's what I had so I'm not sure why it wasn't letting me yesterday but I test ran it before responding and for some reason it started working today so yayyy! :D Thanks! :) I love drawing here so am very very glad that it decided to run. I have it out with Java every now and then. It is like a love/hate thing LOL.
elly (Dec 9, 2016)
I can't tell you how MUCH I miss drawing here!! I've tried and tried to get my java to not block the applets but it's not working for me. I'm using iMac OS X Yosemite version 10.10.5 and safari browser. (I've also tried on Firefox but have the same problem there as well). My Java is version 8 Update 111 (build 1.8.0_111-b14) and the browser is enabled. I have in the exception site list and security level set at 'High' (vs Very High) and I still got NOTHING. Note: I have cried real tears over this :( Any advice would be MUCH appreciated!
davincipoppalag (edited Dec 9, 2016)
Try setting the 2draw site without the "s" instead of https change to http I have both listed and it works I did this both on the Firefox exceptions AND the Java console exceptions.. it's worked for some.. hopefully it will for you too
elly (Dec 10, 2016)
No luck :( Java just will not accept my exceptions and continues to security block the app's, on safari and firefox. It's so frustrating and I feel such a loss of something I've done for years here! I draw on another site ( and the app I use there, ChibiPaint, will open for me but there's always a problem saving and posting my work. I usually end up screen shooting my piece and moving on. The only other thing I can think of trying would be to completely uninstall java and download it again. Any other advice would be greatly appreciated as always! Miss y'all
davincipoppalag (Dec 10, 2016)
well that might work too.. I know if you update it and have the old version still installed stuff doesnt work
its frustrating as heck.. doesn't seem to be just one fix for the problem.. if this laptop ever craps out I'll probably not be able to draw here anymore either on a replacement |
elly (Dec 10, 2016)
I know I did choose to update java when I finally had no choice. I knew then I wouldn't get the apps to work here. I guess I will just delete any and all versions I can find of java and reinstall....right after I get the Christmas tree Wish me luck!
Axil62 (Dec 23, 2016)
shit doesn't work for me either
davincipoppalag (Dec 23, 2016)
Well that sucks
Felistorm (Dec 31, 2016)
Just ordered a new tablet. I had it going for me and then was having some lag issues and such so not sure if it was tablet or comp etc. Will try later tonight if I can and see how it does. (with my old tablet)
davincipoppalag (Jan 8, 2017)
Dangit...had a pic 90% done and when I went to revise it only loaded verson 1..fortunately I was able to save the latest version before the screwup to my computer to finish it in sumo but it was exasperating.. for sure.. Here
elly (Jan 18, 2017)
I'm having drawing withdrawals....and there's no med's to help that
davincipoppalag (edited Jan 18, 2017)
me , lori, mudbutt, and felistorm found ways to make it work.. I dont know what browser you use..but I use firefox.. theres a place there where you can add 2draw to the exceptions..and you do the same thing in the java console and it works!~.. If you try it.. add the site address twice.. once using the http once using https that works it seems
elly (edited Jan 18, 2017)
I use safari, also tried on firefox with no luck. I can add the url's to the exception list but the applets continue to be blocked :(
Tried again but still no luck..I get the same blockage every time. I'm just giving up. Sure was great being a part of 2draw. I've learned so much here which really developed my skills. I will miss y'all terribly :( |
davincipoppalag (Jan 18, 2017)
did you do the exceptions on both firefox security and in the java console security?.. and on both using the http and the https addresses?
elly (Jan 18, 2017)
Yup, Yup, and Yup
davincipoppalag (edited Jan 19, 2017)
Well.. if ya cant get this one to work.. maybe give this a try its free.. its like a photoshop but its geared more for artwork than photo editing
elly (Jan 20, 2017)
Thanks Dave. I downloaded just to find the time I need to learn the program :)
davincipoppalag (Jan 20, 2017)
yea.. looks complicated but they also had some how to videos on the site.. hope it's good for ya
! |
elly (Jan 22, 2017)
It's good!! Thanks for info! It's not too complicated...still trying to find the 'undo' button on my own but guess I'll have to give in and look at the It's fun to play with, but I want/need to draw something more seriously! Thanks again Dave, and Lori for giving me your msg!
davincipoppalag (Jan 22, 2017)
Glad you like it.. Im sure youll be turning out great stuff on it before long
marcello (Feb 4, 2017)
Just to clarify, you need to add without the www
elly (edited Feb 4, 2017)
Well I'm SO glad you made that clarification, Marcello!! I ALWAYS used www but I changed it and got a canvas to open!! OMG I hope........TY!
IT WORKED!!!!!! OMG! I never knew not to put the www!! This is a dream come true for me! You don't know how much this means to me! Pass the www!!! |
davincipoppalag (Feb 5, 2017)
YaY!!!!!! wonderful!!!
Teapot (Mar 24, 2017)
Just wanted to let everyone here who ever drew anything at my Floating Ginkgo Site that it will be going off line at the end of the year. If there's anything on there you wanted to keep now would be the time to download it to your computer. My beloved husband Noel died of cancer in January.
davincipoppalag (Mar 25, 2017)
Aw.. I'm so sorry to hear it Grace.. my condolences.
elly (Mar 28, 2017)
SO sorry to hear, Grace. Praying for peace & comfort for you and your family.
pianist (Apr 30, 2017)
Never had to deal with death much, but my father passed away last October.... nothing will ever be the same again... I'm really sorry to hear your news Grace, it's never easy is it?
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