boardsintermediateMerry Xmas everyone!
watch animation - 100% - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 1 hour 33 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
bluesky (Dec 18, 2003)
what??? it took an hour??? wow..., gotta go, so i gotta save... finish tomorrow...hopefully...
bluesky (Dec 18, 2003)
drawn in 1 hour 8 min
bluesky (Dec 19, 2003)
drawn in 13 min
ok... well something about it annoys me, i'm not sure what... gotta eat i'll see what i can fix... merry christmas! btw we just got outta school minimum day and ITS FINALLY WINTER BREAK!!!!!!!
Zinc (Dec 19, 2003)
Did you really have to use such a big canvas for this?
bluesky (Dec 19, 2003)
scuse me, but don't you ever have a time when you start a picture, thinking it's gonna be a certain way, and then the product you get just isn't the same? that's what happened. i wuz gonna draw something more complicated, but somehow it just turned out to be a head.
Zinc (Dec 19, 2003)
I just saw the animation and it still would have been too big.
bluesky (edited Dec 19, 2003)
and? maybe my opinion is not the same as yours. i think that with the stuff u saw in the animation, it's quite big.
bluesky (Dec 19, 2003)
drawn in 11 min
what i say is my point. ;) obviously. argue with me and i argue some more, that's just me.
Zinc (Dec 19, 2003)
What's your point? No shit, our opinions are different. Wtf ever gave you that idea? All I did was give you a comment, and you criticized it.

If you didn't want to listen to the comment, then that's that. It would have looked better if it was on a smaller scale. That's all I'm trying to say.
Lark (Dec 19, 2003)
blah.... it looks fine..... merry christmas to you too
bluesky (Dec 19, 2003)
i'm just stubborn sometimes
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