as of this month all previous versions of java will no longer be available to the public. i suggest you invest in a mac, as they provide their own java 6-independent of oracle. also, the newest mac operating system, el capitan, will be the last one to support java 6. unfortunately extinction is imminent
WHAT, HOW are we going to run applets? any way we can run oekaki applets anymore? why don't they just DUMP ALL WINDOWS AND DUMP ALL MICROSOFT???(OK, JUST FOUND OUT, " "FIREFOX LIGHT" BROWSER WORKS WITH jAVA. they report on help forum, firefox light works well.try to keep old javas, i suggest we don't get java update; block it.try it, you might like it. :)in the mean time, perhaps large Asian tech has been inventing copy-version of java?? I suggest calling it "Tea."
Marcello said it was because people hadn't been drawing in the past week.. he upped the time to they shouldnt disappear now I wish people would draw here more.. we dont want to lose it!
drawn in 25 min