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drawn in 20 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
mudbutt (Jun 24, 2015)
mudbutt (Jun 24, 2015)
drawn in 20 min
davincipoppalag (Jun 25, 2015)
Totally cool crystals
Black_Bird (Jun 25, 2015)
Very interesting.
lori (Jun 26, 2015)
why did the java people have to screw everything up... I can't do crap here anymore, assholes
Teapot (Jun 26, 2015)
Lori have you tried uninstalling your current version of Java and installing a much older one? That's what finally worked for me. But then there is the issue of all the artwork disappearing.
lori (Jun 26, 2015)
yes I already tried that.... doesn't seem to make a difference
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