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dorothyblueeyes (edited Dec 26, 2014)
java 8 will not take 2draw.net its a security block, tell marcello he's an ass; he's screwed the whole site, whejn other oekaki sites work. ABANDON SHIP. SEE YOU GUYS ON OTHER WEBSITES!!! RYDIA; CHICKENSMOOTHIE. LATER, GATOR!!
(UPDATE: I finally got my java 8 problem fixed; the computer repair guy, older one, replaced it with java 7, take all java 8 off. IT WORKS. JAVA 8 DOES NOT WORK, all over the web, on everything; everyone went back to java 7.) |
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Wraith (Jan 16, 2014)
Uninstall all Java, and start from scratch with latest Java. Worked for me.
mintjelly (Jan 19, 2014)
Tried that and the latest version of Java doesn't seem to work with Lascaux. Fortunately, it does work with the other applets though (i.e., Shi, Chibi)
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Felistorm (edited Jan 20, 2014)
I just uploaded the latest and *knock on wood* was still able to draw. I only use the Lascaux I'd be highly upset if it didn't.
I am using google chrome too though so I don't know if that makes any difference. Edit: apparently I didn't knock on the right kind of wood :/ I get the blocked by security thing now and can't do crud with it :( Edit: again...sorry...anyway finally got it had to go into Java console under COntrol panel and security settings and allow the website. Dunno if that helps. Apparently some new crud they added to the latest update :( |
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sincity (edited Feb 6, 2014)
well I just came back to try and start fiddling around again and now I get the security block thingie. will go uninstall and reinstall to see if this works. l8r. :{
well did the uninstall reinstall thing. even put always activate in my security settings on plugins for fire fox annnnnd nothing still blocked. Would Jtablet have anything to do with this? should I try uninstalling that? o.k. back again. I tried using all other paint programs and non of them work. can somebody give me some kind of advice here? thanx leaving now will check back soon. l8r all. :} :/ |
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mudbutt (Feb 7, 2014)
I had a similar problem when I started using the site again. Maybe this will help: http://java.com/en/download/help/enable_browser.xml
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sincity (edited Feb 7, 2014)
Thanx Mud, tried that B4. I also got the same info from Marcello. Going 2 try again. Thanx.
well So far no good. Well I shall continue to look for a way. DAMN IT!! :-{ |
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Felistorm (Feb 9, 2014)
That is what I was getting and it said to go to control panel click the Java icon go to security settings on that and then you will have to type in the website (I may have to go look and see how I typed it in) and then click for it to allow it. It was only popping up when I'd try to draw but I could otherwise view the site. Now it asks me if i want to run it when it pops up (after I allowed it on Java) and I can draw now. I hope that helps some. I hate when they keep changing up Java it screws with everything and when it starts screwing with me being able to draw on here I get grumpy :/ LOL :D
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sincity (edited Feb 9, 2014)
I'll try again with allowing it but I tried that B4 and still nothing. I have 2 put my security settings on medium just 2 use this. I got it 2 run that way only. like I said I'll try again. :}
well tried it again and no go. I don't like using low security settings but if it works 4 now I'll do it. then reset it after I'm done. |
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Wraith (edited Feb 18, 2014)
Lascaux Sketch, and the others seem to be a little buggy. I think maybe these drawing programs need a little update? It's either buggy, or a moderator is limiting everything from you. IMO
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Felistorm (Feb 23, 2014)
I didn't have to change mine to low or anything it had some deal to actually input the web address of the site. I hate it because just when I get the latest update figured out they go and mess with it again.
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Pantera (Apr 6, 2014)
ggrrrrr can't draw here either
dorothyblueeyes (edited Dec 26, 2014)
screw the crummy version 8 java! its a piece of fucking crap! the professional computer guys told me,"dont get java 8, its got as many bugs as a cockroach convention. Keep version 7! " and they're right,marcello is stupid! i'm not using no. 8 till they fix the piece of crap!this site can't keep its as clean anymore. Marcello is %!!##?)%& lazy turk!if he's so smart, why can't he fix this mess? truth is, he's too dumb to give instructions on how to get this mess fixed OR tell us how to fix it! no, no. 8 java does not work!! not here! that's why i dumped version 8, it won't work here! this site is so over with, and so is Oracle and java! Asia will replace them!SCREW JAVA!!
(UPDATE: I finally got my java 8 problem fixed; the computer repair guy, older one, replaced it with java 7, take all java 8 off. IT WORKS. JAVA 8 DOES NOT WORK, all over the web, on everything; everyone went back to java 7.) |
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davincipoppalag (Nov 9, 2014)
Java is on the way out according to what Marcello told me.. he's working full time and hasn't the time to fool around here ...Ragging on him is not appropriate, he's kept this place here for us for so many years.. if you cant use it..and you can draw someplace else..then do it.. and leave this place alone.
dorothyblueeyes (edited Dec 26, 2014)
fine, what's replacing bloody java?? ok, no adminstration, no unusual. all these oekaki or art sites have no one runnung them, i'm off of it. i don't have any choice, except to leave; i'm barred by java security block, ok? i guess Panterra can't draw either.(how do you get java security that low? i can't get it tuned that low, there are only 2 settings; very high, and high.)yeah, i did input the web address, AND the applets, too. java does not care about the internal software. if anyone can work here without java, great, God will throw thunderbolts to do that, i'm sure.
(UPDATE: I finally got my java 8 problem fixed; the computer repair guy, older one, replaced it with java 7, take all java 8 off. IT WORKS. JAVA 8 DOES NOT WORK, all over the web, on everything; everyone went back to java 7.) |
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davincipoppalag (Dec 3, 2014)
One more time.... Go to Control panel... click on Add/Remove programs... click on whatever java show there... when it highlights...click REMOVE.. let the system remove it... check the list and see if there are any other Java programs...remove them too... once out...close control panel... google "java 7 downloads" go to the java archive for java 7 u67 for your operating system (the java environment..not the development one) click on your choice and download it...once installed... restart... and then you SHOULD be able to use 2draw applets and the other oekakis.. If you have trouble after doing that look at THIS mudbutt (Feb 7, 2014)
I had a similar problem when I started using the site again. Maybe this will help: http://java.com/en/download/help/enable_browser.xml (if that link doesnt work here..scroll up in THIS forum where mudbutt posted it originally).. Failing all this... go buy Photoshop and draw offline....Gaaaaa |
dorothyblueeyes (Dec 26, 2014)
(UPDATE: I finally got my java 8 problem fixed; the computer repair guy, older one, replaced it with java 7, take all java 8 off. IT WORKS. JAVA 8 DOES NOT WORK, all over the web, on everything; everyone went back to java 7.)
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davincipoppalag (Dec 27, 2014)
and how many times did we say to do this...
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