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drawn in 1 hour 43 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Roytje (Jan 4, 2014)
Roytje (Jan 4, 2014)
drawn in 1 hour 43 min
Teapot (edited Jan 4, 2014)
I thought of Danny Kaye...but I think maybe we're both wrong...Liberace and Danny both have stronger, more curved noses. Actually, Liberace and Danny Kaye kind of look alike. Well, of course you have to imagine the feathers, sequins and pompadour on Danny...not too difficult. Whoever it is, great expression, Roytje. Hard to look at it without smiling...that's a contagious grin, that is.
Roytje (Jan 5, 2014)
You don't recognize Herman Finkers? :(
davincipoppalag (Jan 5, 2014)
not familiar with Mr flinkers
enjoydotcom (Jan 5, 2014)
It's the lovely mr. Finkers.
Teapot (Jan 5, 2014)
Nope, 'fraid we haven't seen any sign of Mr. Finkers out here on the west coast of Canada.
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