Can't figure it out, I don't get it. I've tried a few times in the last few weeks and removed java and reinstalled just now and got this far. ah.
How you doing? good summer?
weird..maybe its the browser you're using.. I dunno.. I use firefox and it works ok.. so I dont know.. I'm doing reasonable.. work's been crazy busy so I rately hae any energy or time to draw these days.. .. hoping I can manage to retire next april maybe..
who knows, chrome never gave me a problem before. Crazy busy work has it pluses and minuses for sure..hope you've had energy to get away, up the coast or ?...I've rarely been home, but work is just around the corner. Leaving tomorrow for the remainder of my freedom! haha. see ya! :)
we are goin on to maine in sept.. and we got to ocean city nj on the beach in june so we managed that.. yea you have school soon dontcha.. bah.. enjoy1
drawn in 16 min
How you doing? good summer?