boardsintermediateRE:R Annoying Partner!!! 6022012
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drawn in 1 hour 29 min with Chicken Paint
Mr_L_V (Jun 2, 2012)
Ah Hell!!!! It shouldn't of taken me this long :B

Well its been quite a while I haven't used this applet at all, takes a moment to adjust once again to have everything smooth, but really its just a simple thing did it really took me this long to finish?????
Well next time I won't use colors nor will worry in simple little details to just loosen up my hand....D:<

Been busy on my own work and haven't had the time to come in here and comment nor draw in this lovely place, but I have been waisting my time playing the latest game of RE, its really addictive and I get to play with other people in WiFi, specially with my sister :) I use Parker the most wile she will use Raymond in Raid Mode, its really entertaining specially when the game starts and my character will always call his parter "cadet" witch he will reply to stop calling him like that, but it doesn't stop there, I will suddenly start making Parker say "I'm buying you lunch <3" through the whole mission, making my sister irritated and make Raymond to reply "STOP STOP STOP!!!!" or "MOVE IT!!!!!" :D its my fault that every time we get kill in some of the missions for just fooling around <3
This is just something for her that I still love her even if she gets mad or pissed with me sometimes >:D Love yah sis, hope you get your game back pretty soon to keep on playing again :'D
Mr_L_V (Jun 2, 2012)
drawn in 1 hour 29 min
davincipoppalag (Jun 3, 2012)
LOL.. sounds fun
Mr_L_V (Jun 6, 2012)
indeed it is my friend :D
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