pen cooperated this time but it is getting late so had to stop for now though I am liking this one better than the others. Might have some stuff to add to it. :)
wow, this is fantastic! great critter, good details. yeah, i have trouble with my pen being touchy, too, and i'm too lazy to learn the settings.
still, it's so much easier than using an ink-filled rapidograph, or a quill pen. i still can't believe i used to do stuff in black ink, for years,afraid the ink would blot, and ruin it. and i did it anyway, there was nothing else; we're so spoiled now, thank god. love yer picture! it is really beautiful.
drawn in 25 min
drawn in 27 min
drawn in 48 min
drawn in 17 min
drawn in 23 min
drawn in 27 min
still, it's so much easier than using an ink-filled rapidograph, or a quill pen. i still can't believe i used to do stuff in black ink, for years,afraid the ink would blot, and ruin it. and i did it anyway, there was nothing else; we're so spoiled now, thank god. love yer picture! it is really beautiful.