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Axil62 (Jan 27, 2012)
Thursday, January 26, 2012 OBAMA ELIGIBILITY COURT CASE…BLOW BY BLOW OBAMA ELIGIBILITY COURT CASE…BLOW BY BLOW By Craig Andresen on January 26, 2012 at 9:25 am Given the testimony from today’s court case in Georgia, Obama has a lot of explaining to do. His attorney, Jablonski, was a NO SHOW as of course, was Obama. The following is a nutshell account of the proceedings. Promptly at 9am EST, all attorneys involved in the Obama Georgia eligibility case were called to the Judge’s chambers. This was indeed a very interesting beginning to this long awaited and important case. The case revolved around the Natural Born clause of the Constitution and whether or not Obama qualifies under it to serve. More to the point, if found ineligible, Obama’s name would not appear on the 2012 ballot in Georgia. With the small courtroom crowded, several in attendance could be seen fanning themselves with pamphlets as they waited for the return of the attorneys and the appearance of the judge. Obama himself, who had been subpoenaed to appear, of course was nowhere near Georgia. Instead, Obama was on a campaign swing appearing in Las Vegas and in Colorado ignoring the court in Georgia. Over the last several weeks, Obama’s attorney, Michael Jablonski, had attempted several tactics to keep this case from moving forward. He first tried to have it dismissed, then argued that it was irrelevant to Obama. After that, Jablonski argued that a state could not, under the law, determine who would or would not be on a ballot and later, that Obama was simply too busy with the duties of office to appear. After all these arguments were dispatched by the Georgia Court, Jablonski, in desperation, wrote to the Georgia Secretary of State attempting to place Obama above the law and declared that the case was not to he heard and neither he nor his client would participate. Secretary of State, Brian Kemp, fired back a letter hours later telling Jablonski he was free to abandon the case and not participate but that he would do so at his and his clients peril. Game on. 5 minutes. 10 minutes. 15 minutes with the attorneys in the judge’s chambers. 20 minutes. It appears Jablonski is not in attendance as the attorneys return, all go to the plaintiff table 24 minutes after meeting in the judge’s chambers. Has Obama’s attorney made good on his stated threat not to participate? Is he directly ignoring the court’s subpoena? Is he placing Obama above the law? It seems so. Were you or I subpoenaed to appear in court, would we or our attorney be allowed such action or, non action? Certainly not. Court is called to order. Obama’s birth certificate is entered into evidence. Obama’s father’s place of birth, Kenya East Africa is entered into evidence. Pages 214 and 215 from Obama’s book, “Dreams from My Father” entered into evidence. Highlighted. This is where Obama indicates that, in 1966 or 1967 that his father’s history is mentioned. It states that his father’s passport had been revoked and he was unable to leave Kenya. Immigration Services documents entered into evidence regarding Obama Sr. June 27th, 1962, is the date on those documents. Obama’s father’s status shown as a non citizen of the United States. Documents were gotten through the Freedom of Information Act. Testimony regarding the definition of Natural Born Citizen is given citing Minor vs Happersett opinion from a Supreme Court written opinion from 1875. The attorney points out the difference between “citizen” and “Natural Born Citizen” using charts and copies of the Minor vs Happersett opinion. It is also pointed out that the 14th Amendment does not alter the definition or supersede the meaning of Natural Born. It is pointed out that lower court rulings do not conflict with the Supreme Court opinion nor do they over rule the Supreme Court Minor vs Happersett opinion. The point is, to be a natural born citizen, one must have 2 parents who, at the time of the birth in question, be citizens of the United States. As Obama’s father was not a citizen, the argument is that Obama, constitutionally, is ineligible to serve as President. Judge notes that as Obama nor his attorney is present, action will be taken accordingly. Carl Swinson takes the stand. Testimony is presented that the SOS has agreed to hear this case, laws applicable, and that the DNC of Georgia will be on the ballot and the challenge to it by Swinson. 2nd witness, a Mr. Powell, takes the stand and presents testimony regarding documents of challenge to Obama’s appearance on the Georgia ballot and his candidacy. Court records of Obama’s mother and father entered into evidence. Official certificate of nomination of Obama entered into evidence. RNC certificate of nomination entered into evidence. DNC language does NOT include language stating Obama is Qualified while the RNC document DOES. This shows a direct difference trying to establish that the DNC MAY possibly have known that Obama was not qualified. Jablonski letter to Kemp yesterday entered into evidence showing their desire that these proceedings not take place and that they would not participate. Dreams From My Father entered. Mr. Allen from Tuscon AZ sworn in. Disc received from Immigration and Naturalization Service entered into evidence. This disc contains information regarding the status of Obama’s father received through the Freedom of Information Act. This information states clearly that Obama’s father was NEVER a U.S. Citizen. At this point, the judge takes a recess. The judge returns. David Farrar takes the stand. Evidence showing Obama’s book of records listing his nationality as Indoneasan. Deemed not relevant by the judge. Orly Taitz calls 2nd witness. Mr. Strump. Enters into evidence a portion of letter received from attorney showing a renewal form from Obama’s mother for her passport listing Obama’s last name something other than Obama. State Licensed PI takes the stand. She was hired to look into Obama’s background and found a Social Security number for him from 1979. Professional opinion given that this number was fraudulent. The number used or attached to Obama in 1979, shows that Obama was born in the 1890. This shows that the number was originally assigned to someone else who was indeed born in 1890 and should never have been used by Obama. Same SS number came up with addresses in IL, D.C. and MA. Next witness takes the stand. This witness is an expert in information technology and photo shop. He testifies that the birth certificate Obama provided to the public is layered, multiple layered. This, he testifies, indicates that different parts of the certificate have been lifted from more than one original document. Linda Jordan takes the stand. Document entered regarding SS number assigned to Obama. SS number is not verified under E Verify. It comes back as suspected fraudulent. This is the system by which the Government verifies ones citizenship. Next witness. Mr. Gogt. Expert in document imaging and scanners for 18 years. Mr. Gogt testifies that the birth certificate, posted online by Obama, is suspicious. States white lines around all the type face is caused by “unsharp mask” in Photoshop. Testifies that any document showing this, is considered to be a fraud. States this is a product of layering. Mr. Gogt testifies that a straight scan of an original document would not show such layering. Also testifies that the date stamps shown on Obama documents should not be in exact same place on various documents as they are hand stamped. Obama’s documents are all even, straight and exactly the same indicating they were NOT hand stamped by layered into the document by computer. Next witness, Mr. Sampson a former police officer and former immigration officer specializing in immigration fraud. Ran Obama’s SS number through database and found that the number was issued to Obama in 1977 in the state of MA. Obama never resided in MA. At the time of issue, Obama was living in Hawaii. Serial number on birth certificate is out of sequence with others issued at that hospital. Also certification is different than others and different than twins born 24 hours ahead of Obama. Mr. Sampson also states that portion of documents regarding Mr. Sotoroe, who adopted Obama have been redacted which is highly unusual with regards to immigration records. Suggests all records from Social Security, Immigration, Hawaii birth records be made available to see if there are criminal charges to be filed or not. Without them, nothing can be ruled out. Mr. Sampson indicates if Obama is shown not to be a citizen, he should be arrested and deported and until all records are released nobody can know for sure if he is or is not a U.S. Citizen. Taitz shows records for Barry Sotoro aka Barack Obama, showing he resides in Hawaii and in Indonesia at the same time. Taitz takes the stand herself. Testifies that records indicate Obama records have been altered and he is hiding his identity and citizenship. Taitz leave the stand to make her closing arguments. Taitz states that Obama should be found, because of the evidence presented, ineligible to serve as President. And with that, the judge closes the hearing. What can we take away from this? It’s interesting. Now, all of this has finally been entered OFFICIALLY into court records. One huge question is now more than ever before, unanswered. WHO THE HELL IS THIS GUY? Without his attorney present, Obama’s identity, his Social Security number, his citizenship status, and his past are all OFFICIALLY in question. One thing to which there seems no doubt. He does NOT qualify, under the definition of Natural Born Citizen” provided by SCOTUS opinions, to be eligible to serve as President. What will the judge decide? That is yet to be known, but it seems nearly impossible to believe, without counter testimony or evidence, because Obama and his attorney chose not to participate, that Obama will be allowed on the Georgia ballot. It also opens the door for such cases pending or to be brought in other states as well. Obama is in it deep and the DNC has some…a LOT…of explaining to do unless they start looking for a new candidate for 2012. |
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Wraith (edited Oct 4, 2015)
What about George Bush Jr. That motherfucker was literally a dumb Alien, and no one ever questioned his citizenship status. <---- Wow sorry about that Axil62... Lost a little brain cells drinking I think.
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Axil62 (edited Jan 27, 2012)
So, you really believe the George Bush Jr. Wasn't born in the US? This is you're response? "Drrrr but George was dumb." That's what you have to say about this?
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lori (Jan 27, 2012)
All of that being the case... WHY IS HE PRESIDENT?????
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davincipoppalag (Jan 27, 2012)
Slick sales .. it won't work this time..but he was the shiny new model that promised change.. he gave us change all rignt.. ...
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marcello (Feb 1, 2012)
You realize your parents don't need to be citizens to be a natural born citizen, right? You should be ashamed as an American.
dorothyblueeyes (edited Jan 12, 2014)
He's president because the hoodlums and Chicago gang-system got Obama into the White House.Obama turned out to be one of the WORST PRESIDENTS WE HAVE EVER HAD!! And that's saying something!But the fed.govt. is OWNED BY HUGE CORPORATIONS, and minor-thugs get shuffled in, to "control us."Our whole fed. govt. and both parties, are BIG-TIME-CORRUPT CROOKS. they can BREAK the constitution, any time they like!!
we don't have FREEDOM in America! we are RESTRICTED in what we can say,(nothing against gay politics) or do,(lots of actions we can no longer DO, SAY, ECT. WE ARE NOT FREE!!(in Oregon, people can no longer own any type of "lyncx, bobcat, ect." without a LICENSE.HAH!! and if they do not ALLOW YOU to own yer cat, you can't have it!! Oregon police and sheriff's dept., "animal control" kill wild animals, wild cats, cougers, where they live in the wild, whenever they like.wild animals in the pacific northwest .are SLAUGHTERED, and made extinct!!And people who live here, have to pay huge taxes,& have licenses to do EVERYTHING!! YOU HAVE TO PAY TO GO TO ANY BEACH,ANY PARK, ANY recreation area, any wild area.you must pay to do ANYTHING HERE.they're wanting to tax bike riders now!if you fish, clam,row a boat, you name it, you PAY A FEE OR LICENSE or you can't do it!!NOTHING IS FREE,NOW! NOTHING!! AND FREE SPEECH IN AMERICA is DEAD!! DEAD!we have facism here, solidly. I forgot to add, I have a distant (uncle? he married my cousin, she's dead now)who is a short, big-talking,salesman,big-money-maker, and his "hobby" is to HUNT EVERYWHERE, and in Washington state, where they lived, and other areas, and kills HUGE ANIMALS, BEARS, LIONS, WILD CATS, ECT. and has them all taxidermied by professionals, and mounted in a special room.It makes him seem to be only "sexually-abled" in his RIFLE. I always saw the strain, frustration, and angry tension from my cousin,Nancy, towards her "big-game-hunter" husband, and he was away "killing-big" all the time.I got the definite feeling, she was unhappy married to him,even if they were pretty rich.But, he got permission, somehow, to kill all the big game, and getting-extinct animals he wanted.he got polar bears, anything. I think only the rich and powerful, and the dangerous organized criminals, have freedom and free speech in America now.We people who always worked all our lives, paid all the taxes, are now SUCKERS and LEGAL SLAVES, and OLD PEOPLE who don't get the medicare and soc.sec, we all paid into all our lives.Obamas taking ALL THE MONEY OUT OF MEDICARE, to stick it all into Obama-care! the ACA has cost TRILLIONS on the fed. debt. already! i hate and distrust republicans, but i'm voting for em anyhow, just so they KILL OBAMACARE! but our fed.govt. is TOO CORRUPT to clean up,it's not ours.It's a STOLEN GOVT. and nation.When or if it will collapse, is highly possible, but it will not get better.Some people say,it's being deliberately destroyed, on purpose, so other nations can take over. but it's ALREADY SUNK into the repression-state of Russia. It cannot be FIXED or OVER-HAULED.TOO LATE; TOO BIG. |
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mudbutt (Jan 20, 2014)
People are just awful.
lovejanene (Jan 3, 2015)
Oh my God, I had not a clue there were so many angry hearts of humans out there? I realize things seem bleak...but isn't that the time to pull together, despite our differences...to say for the good of 'RIGHT', agree to disagree. Looking at one another, with the regard of human equality, that WE were ALL born the same way, a bright innocent baby, crying for our mothers milk....It's when upon we were taken home that determined how our individuality was to be used for the good of all people. Think of it.....WE all share the common thread of being human....which we claim as Human Beings... Yes we are Tired of all the entanglements of social and governmental dictatorial enforcement that strips us of our God given right, to be of our own unique and beautiful individualism, which IS protected under the laws of Freedom, carved out and so forth established in our American stand, written by our forefathers ...The United States Declaration of INDEPENDENCE and The United States Constitution, furthering the explanation, under the Amendments to our stake to claim FREEDOM to be who WE ARE!!!Respect for EVERYONE...I don't give a shit who you vote for [that's the beauty of individuality, we can exercise our right of thought and belief which enriches the melting pot of Great Ideas], I don't care the color of your skin [I believe with the array of palette to our colors, we make up a quite astounding and breathtaking Rembrandt], I am not offended to anyone's flavor of character [after all hot/cold,drab,flashy.....It is what makes the world an Interesting place to live]! Don't you see my friends, WE ARE BEAUTIFUL.....AND STRONG! We are ALL feeling the effects of this dismal, irrational and most INSULTING behavior.... by these selfish, VAINGLORIOUS, self consumed, Greedy, poor excuse for human beings. It is good to air your feelings out....but alas, unfortunately it is where it stops. I Am PASSIONATE to your despair, My father God rest his Soul, my mother too....where of the old school, WWII, handpicked by then Col Dolittle, to serve as head flight inspector, their future of 65 years of marriage, instilled values of respect for All, Honesty in word and all actions, [for your word is.....Is as good as your word], to carry out everything good and pleasing in the Eyes of God, It is by Grace I go. =To stand United =...when we see an infraction going on against our fellow human being. I believe my friends with all my heart, this is a most perfect time, to stand TALL and UNITED...To set any differences aside we may have with one another [agree to disagree], to look at our common interest we all share as Americans...To COME TOGETHER, JOINING OUR FORCES... UNITED, that we may TAKE BACK...what has been taken from us! This President does NOT dictate to our LIVES....THERE ARE UNITED STATES FEDERAL RULES as well as THE CONSTITUTION TO THE UNITED NATION....That FORBID anyone to self-Appoint their dominance, to display Dictating actions, in a Country that observes the RIGHT for all, to live in a Free, non dictatorial of human liberties and civil rights...And if so by doing, ANY leader of that country, that hinders, thwarts, and covertly abolishes the sanctity of happiness, to which is their is the God Given right... TO ALL IT'S PEOPLE....Is Punishable by THE UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT, and all it's land governing ...'IMPEACHMENT'! The Charge of TYRANNY, for anyone who Breeches and Violates, the rules and oath set before them, The United States Rules of Constitution,Amendments, Federal Laws of ethics and Canons and all that sets under that domain... hereby confirms the Constitution of the United Nations, shall execute the charges, the individual of dis-honorable rank, by breech of honor to country and citizens herein, sentenced the title of Tyranny to country, and to world. That by trusted power, and skilled in the vocation of his position, sought to under-mind by unethical schemes of manipulations, for self gaining imperious power and rule, STEALING and stripping the pursuit of happiness from the people , for the people and BY THE PEOPLE!!! I do believe my American friends ...WE ARE THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE HAD ENOUGH!!!! And by WE the people....Lets kick ass and take names and get this Country back the way our families who have fought for, died for, and made our Country AMERICA...TRULY ....THE LAND OF THE BRAVE, AND THE LAND OT THE FREE!!! TOO LATE? NEVER..... IS IT TOO LATE! Remember, nothing is too big, WORTH FIGHTING FOR!!
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davincipoppalag (Jan 3, 2015)
Say halLOOya..say aMayun....In a country where all the powers that be need do is utter the word "terrorist"...and then can hold you indefinitely... and parents can be incarcerated for disciplining their children.(assuming they can look up from their fucking phones long enough to do that).it's time someone did SOMETHING. Although it's more likely global warming will throw the whole world into chaos before we can reform our system...just finding food will seem more important.
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Pantera (Jan 23, 2015)
I see the "love" continues around here lol
dorothyblueeyes (Apr 28, 2015)
Yes, it's because largely, there's no moderators on this site; other oekaki sites with Mods, just ban insulting, rude, nasty,& fight-loving members and insist that everyone act considerately. There is no Mod here, so there's only fights,insults, nasty inconsiderate gangs here, acting out.everyone here acts like drunken sailors.( Ditto with that Veehd.com )If you draw on chickensmoothie, and act nasty & insult, you are banned.Ditto for Oekaki Central, I think.(there's a tough site, run by Japanese, they are very stern there.)Oekaki Central will not even allow you to reply to a Mod, you get banned But there's a lot to be said for Japanese civility and insistence on good manners, something the USA has completely forgotten, and Europe lost as well. --Which is why it's much calmer & nicer often on ASIAN-RUN oekakis, and out of control on European-USA sites. Asians will probably take over the planet eventually, as white-European-races have degraded themselves into a cesspool.Bad behavior on sites like this are just another symptom. Now I wouldn't live in Europe for all the tea in Hong Kong.
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marcello (May 20, 2015)
oekaki central is canadian, nothing japanese about it. ;-)
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davincipoppalag (Sep 17, 2015)
Lun fol youl Rives! It's Godzirra
fruitloop (Sep 18, 2015)
Why don't you and lovejanene get married Dave, then you can run for president!
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davincipoppalag (Sep 18, 2015)
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Suntan (Sep 20, 2015)
listen to that fruitloop. lol xD
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Wraith (Oct 4, 2015)
Again, that first post of mine.. After reading it, I don't even know what the hell I was talking about. Sorry. My sincere apologies.
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karl (Oct 5, 2015)
don't worry, wraith. your comment is the least idiotic thing on this thread with the exceptions of marcello and mudbutt. i would not be surprised if axil is busy campaigning for trump.
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