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drawn in 24 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
animekittykat (Nov 30, 2003)
.... i dont know im in a funky mood right now
animekittykat (Nov 30, 2003)
drawn in 24 min
furyofroy (edited Nov 30, 2003)
Okay -- you seem to be very enthusiastic about drawing, and that's fine. But couldn't you at least wait half a day before submitting another picture?
marcello (Nov 30, 2003)
hell, who cares about waiting half a day. spend half a day on a drawing.
animekittykat (Nov 30, 2003)
sorry im just not very good yet so my drawings dont take very long ill stop
marcello (Nov 30, 2003)
I find it's generally the other way around. When you're starting you need to spend a lot of time on your drawings trying to make them look good. Once you get better, it doesn't take as long. But then of course you try more difficult things to compensate. The viscious cycle. ;)
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