The reason this isn't hidden is because I need some help on the tree. The way it's bending doesn't look right and it's irritating me a little >_0. Anybody got any ideas?
And This didn't take me 17 seconds I actually accidently closed the browser and I had to go looking in my history for this url, and I didn't want to lose it again, and I needed opinions, and I need to get to bed. so psshht. stupid stupid stupid. Took me an hour or so to do.
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drawn in 17 sec
Hmmm As for the Christmas tree, I really dont know, -__-.
But It looks really good and funny so far!
drawn in 32 min
The tree is bending nicely, actually. So don't bother with changing anything up. :P
drawn in 30 min
drawn in 55 min
drawn in 7 hours 44 min