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drawn in 9 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
lori (Jul 24, 2011)
just not feelin' it
lori (Jul 24, 2011)
drawn in 9 min
davincipoppalag (Jul 24, 2011)
Even yoiur simple drawings are good
Suntan (Jul 24, 2011)
i hear ya.
Wraith (edited Jul 24, 2011)
I'm not feeling it either lori. Just dumped my girlfriend of 5 years. Do not feel like doing anything but sleep. Do not worry though, god is on my side and is giving me strength. Yes god really is because I was feeling like killing myself till I asked god to give me strength, now everything is OK except for not so much motivation to draw or play video games.
lori (Jul 25, 2011)
You're where I'm at Wraith.. but yes, God's on our side always.
Axil62 (Jul 25, 2011)
Wraith: Sides?
"for He maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust."

Wraith (edited Jul 26, 2011)
Well, I don't know about sides Axil62. But all I know is, I was hurting bad. Then I asked god to give me strength. Then all the tears stopped, then the feeling sorry formyself bit stopped. Then I was happy again. It's wierd I know. Plus, I am getting the urge to draw again, and getting the urge to wipe the dust off my Electric Guitar and practice. I feel a whole lot better. And I know I can get a better girlfriend. But I am not going to look for another one because that is just stupid. I will let the chips fall where they may.
Axil62 (Jul 26, 2011)
Very good. Sounds like you took the right side.
madscientist111 (Jul 26, 2011)
Excellent draw! Love color combo!
lori (Jul 26, 2011)
thanks ms
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