I love how you experiment with different styles. One of my fave things to do on an oekaki board. This really does feel like a messy scratch board or perhaps a still from a "sloppy" rotoscope animation. Neato.
oh, axil, ooh, ooh, ooh, I love scratchboard, you are da king; beautiful. I love it. I did real scratchboard, years ago, it's very hard, cause you have to copy a real image,like a photo,or person before you, you cannot go around making something out of your head up, too hard; cause of the making light come out of a dark surface. I used a machinist's scratch-all, very sharp point. Axil is very good at light-dark work. Well, yes, he's very versatile, too,and pretty good at everything.
drawn in 23 min
Takes me back a bit.
Love it.